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Beach Day: Whatever The Weather

Beach Day: Whatever The Weather

We all know playing outdoors is essential for our mental health, for child’s development and for the connection between ourselves and the world. There are so many places we can visit to create memories together when going on family adventures, and the beach is our favourite! I know the Irish weather isn’t ideal for a beach day paradise, but the benefits are the same even without the sunshine (or even better as we won’t get burned!). Why should we go to the beach with our kids whatever the weather?


Nature Explorations

The beach is a natural environment that encourages curiosity, learning and appreciation for nature. Children can learn about many things as they explore, move and have fun. They will explore marine life, shells, rocks, tidal pools, sea creatures, rhythm of waves, changes in colours. The beach offers endless learning possibilities and it’s free and available to us all year long

Game Idea
Go on a beach treasure hunt. Have a list of items that can be found on the beach and try to find them. You could take them home to set up a beach play tray the next day so children can practice what they have seen and learned through role play and develop new vocabulary through play.


Bonding and socialising
Going to the beach together is such a good opportunity for quality family time and bonding. Kids can interact with other children and with their own family or friends, which fosters social skills and creates lasting memories. It’s a relaxed environment where everyone can getto know each other better while playing games, having conversations, reading books and having a good time.

Game Idea
Say something about yourself and ask your child if it’s true or not. Then get your child to say something about themselves and you guess if it’s true or not. For example: my favourite food is Jellyfish. If it’s not true, you then say what the truth would be so you all learn something about each other that you didn’t know.


Sensory Stimulation 
Children’s senses are stimulated through the feel of sand, the sound of waves, smell of ocean... This sensory experience is calming and self regulating which means everyone will feel so relaxed going home. Try to fully embrace the experience by taking off your shoes and socks and walking on sand on water together. Watch your stress fade away with the waves.

Game Idea
Build a sandcastle, or a road for your cars, or a pool for your toy fish. Keep bringing water into your sand play creations for more sensory fun! Remember there is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothes!


Outdoor Recreations
The beach provides the perfect space for children (and adults) to engage in physical activities like swimming, running, climbing, walking, playing beach games, building sandcastles...  Children will feel so tired and satisfied afterwards, so in peace with themselves and this will open up their creative mind for any other quieter activities.

Game Idea
Play with your ball, make and catch bubbles, draw on the sand. You can draw games on the sand like hopscotch or circles to play the floor is lava.


Stress and Anxiety Relief
The beach’s quiet environment and soothing sounds of waves as well as the connection with nature and feel of the sand on your feet can help you and your child reduce stress levels and promote relaxation and well-being.

Game Idea
Sit on the sand with your child and look away. Talk about what you see. Try to tell a story together, imagine what is under the water. Is there a mermaid? Or maybe a pirateship.... Imagine and laugh together. You could also bring with your one of our story stones to help you create a story. Take your shoes off and get your feet wet. You will feel so good and it will improve your relationship too.
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