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CPD Teacher Training Courses

Feel empowered to teach the curriculum through play confidently with our teacher training courses or just by taking part in our workshops in your classroom and the possibilities that play offers to the children with extended activities and curious kids.


Learners will get familiar with the new curriculum framework as we dive into the long-term benefits of the changes included in it.

Learners will understand the role of the teacher in the classroom in a way that can maximize the development of the children in the short and long term.

Learners will gain confidence in blending subjects together as they understand why it’s important to do so.

Learners will learn how to use the children’s interests to create new activities from it and they will discover why it’s important to do so.

Learners will be more confident and committed to fostering creativity in the classroom as part of their daily life and learning.

Learners will be able to provide meaningful experiences as learning opportunities, and link them to the contents, skills, and competences from the curriculum for a more inclusive and meaningful education.

Learners will discover tools to empower effective communication in the classroom to create a positive and inclusive environment.

Learners will understand the different types of assessment and how, when and why each type of assessment can be important and effective for each child and also as a group.


Mireia Lopez Profile
Shannon McKiverigan Profile


Mireia and her colleague were so knowledgeable, enthusiastic and engaging. The course content was excellent and very valuable for us!

I think it definitely inspired those who were finding it tough to engage with playful learning in a more meaningful way. It was also a really lovely way to spend a couple of hours with our colleagues.

Such an informative session. I loved it! I know Experiential learning is the way forward for children & hope our school can embrace this philosophy.

This was a super session. Very enjoyable and will most definitely be used in the classroom.

Found this course eye opening and inspiring loved it

Very well presented, very interactive